Getting Help on PACZKI: A Simple Guide for New Members

Welcome to PACZKI!
We’re committed to providing you with efficient and timely support. If you have questions or need assistance navigating our platform, follow the steps below to find the appropriate help.

Step 1: Contact @help via Chat

  • Quick Responses: For general inquiries, start by reaching out to our AI bot, @help, via the chat feature.
  • How It Works: @help draws from our comprehensive Knowledge Base to deliver accurate answers to your questions. Simply click on the @help username and select Chat to begin.

Step 2: Reach Out to @Administrators

  • For Escalated Issues: If @help does not resolve your inquiry, please send a Private Message (PM) to @Administrators for further assistance.
  • Organized Support: We advise against messaging individual staff members directly. By contacting @Administrators, you ensure that your issue is handled efficiently and in a timely manner. To message @Administrators, click on their username and select Message.

Step 3: Engage with the PACZKI Community

  • Community Assistance: If the @help bot is unable to resolve your issue and our staff appears offline, consider reaching out to your peers in the General chat room.
  • Peer Support: Our active and knowledgeable community members may offer valuable insights and assistance. Start a conversation in the Help Center channel to ask for help.

Step 4: Email Support

  • For Unresolved Issues: If all other options fail, please email us directly at
  • Provide Complete Details: To ensure we can assist you promptly, please include all necessary information when submitting your support request.

Additional Guidelines

  • No Chat Support for Checkout Tickets: Please note that PACZKI staff does not offer chat support for Checkout Tickets.
  • Ticket-Related Communication: For any issues regarding Checkout Tickets, all communication should be handled within the ticket itself to avoid confusion and ensure all relevant details are in one place.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to resolve any questions or challenges you encounter on PACZKI. Whether you’re dealing with a quick inquiry or a more complex issue, our team is here to provide a seamless and efficient experience. Happy trading!