PACZKI Payment Methods Status Page
Here, you can quickly review the operational status of all available payment methods. We make every effort to ensure this information is accurate and up to date, providing a smooth and reliable transaction experience for our users.
1. Bank Wire Transfer
- Status: Operational
- Details: Please be advised that there have been no changes to our bank account details. Kindly continue using the existing information for all bank wire transactions.
2. Credit Card Payments
- Status: Coming Soon
- Details: Credit card payments are processed securely via Trustap Payments.
- Status: Operational
- Details: USDT transactions are functioning as expected. However, please be aware that Binance may occasionally flag CoinPayments addresses as blacklisted. We recommend using an alternative crypto wallet if this issue arises.
- Status: Operational
- Details: USDC payments are processing smoothly. Like USDT, Binance may sometimes flag CoinPayments addresses. In such cases, please consider using a different wallet.
5. BTC
- Status: Coming Soon
- Details: To convert BTC to USDT, please use our SWAP Crypto page.
6. ETH
- Status: Coming Soon
- Details: If you wish to convert ETH to USDT, please visit our SWAP Crypto page.
Important Notice to Users:
The status of payment methods is subject to change due to factors beyond our control, including network congestion or banking-related issues.
Should you encounter any issues during a transaction, please contact our support team for assistance.